Certification Course Application 24-25

Course Information
Category Certification Course
Price: $150
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Location: Online

Duration: 12 Weeks

Certification Course Application 24-25


Certification in Collaborative Problem Solving is ideal for those interested in taking their understanding and use of Collaborative Problem Solving to the next level. The Certification course teaches individuals how to become experts in Collaborative Problem Solving®. We invite those who have completed the Advanced Concepts (Level 2) course to apply for the Certification course. If you are interested in conducting Plan B interactions with expertise, sharing CPS with others through the use of the CPS Parent Class and Introduction to CPS curriculum, mentoring colleagues in learning CPS, or using CPS in your private practice, we invite you to apply today.

Course Overview

Before you get started, please note any applications submitted after the indicated deadline will be reviewed and considered for the next cohort offering. If a spot opens up and your application is accepted you will be considered for the current cohort offering.

Create an Account to Submit an Application
Create an account in our online learning platform, The CPS Hub. Click here to learn how to create an account.
Once you've created an account, review the application expectations and instructions provided on the CPS Hub. You'll need to complete an Enrollment Form and Pay the Application Fee ($150 USD nonrefundable/non transferrable) before submitting your application for review.

Course Policies and Procedures
  • Application fees (150 USD) are nonrefundable/non-transferrable. Application fees are due in order for the submission to be reviewed.
  • Tuition fees ($2,745 USD) must be paid in order to secure a seat in the desired cohort. If tuition fees are not paid two weeks before the course start date, the learner will lose their seat in the desired cohort. 
If you wish to request financial support, please submit a request form. Request forms must be submitted by the indicated deadline below. Unfortunately, we cannot review financial support requests after the deadline. Requests should include the cost of the application/registration fee, if applicable.
It is our goal to support everyone who makes a financial support request; however, high demand may impact how much we are able to support each requester. We will do our best to support your needs.
Financial support offers do expire, so be sure to review any communications that are sent in response to your request in a timely manner.
Important: For those submitting for financial support for the Certification Course, please submit your request form before you submit your application. 

Financial Support Request Deadlines:
  • For March Sessions (Spring) with a December 1st Application deadline, please submit financial support requests no later than November 1st. 
  • For June Sessions (Summer) with an April 1st Application deadline, please submit financial support requests no later than March 1st.
  • For September Sessions (Fall) with a July 1st Application Deadline, please submit financial support requests no later than June 1st. 
Application Submissions
Applications must include all required materials in order to be reviewed by a Think:Kids Certification Team Member. If an application is missing materials, it will not be reviewed.

If an applicant is not accepted, and instead invited to reapply, they must wait till the next application deadline to submit another application. It is our hope that the applicant will take the feedback and practice before completing another application.

Applications are due by 11:59PM ET on the indicated due date, any submissions received after the due date will be considered for the next application deadline review.

Assigning Cohort Seats
Seats are limited. Only once an applicant is accepted and all fees are paid will they be assigned a cohort seat. Cohort assignments will take into account several factors including learner preference, number of learners, and learner setting. It is not guaranteed that learners will be assigned their first choice.

Course Deadlines
Assignments are due by 11:59PM ET on the indicated due date, per the course syllabus. Learners should communicate any concerns about meeting assignment deadlines. If an assignment deadline is missed and there is no communication, the learner will be given two email warnings to be in touch. If the learner does not connect with Think:Kids, they will be unenrolled from the course (see unenrollment policies for more information).

If a learner needs to extend their deadline to complete the course, they must communicate with their Instructor and there will be an administrative fee of $150 USD to extend the deadline two months.

Individual Instructor sessions must happen during the two-week window indicated in the course syllabus. All sessions must be scheduled before the first Group Session starts.

Attendance and Participation
  • Group Sessions: It is required that learners attend all scheduled Group Sessions. Should a learner have a scheduling issue or any unforeseen circumstances, they must communicate with their Instructor immediately. Learners who communicate absences in advance of a missed session will be given the opportunity to watch the missed session recording and complete a feedback form in order to make up for the absence. If a learner misses more than two Group Sessions and hasn't communicated with their Instructor, they will be unenrolled from the course (see unenrollment policies for more information).
  • Individual Instructor Meetings: It is required that learners attend all Individual Instructor meetings. Learners are responsible for scheduling all meetings before the first scheduled Group Session as part of their pre-work. Should a learner have any unforeseen circumstance, they must communicate with their Instructor immediately.
If a learner need to unenroll or withdraw from a course, they must notify the Certification Team at thinkkidscertification@partners.org immediately. 

There are no tuition refunds for learners who are unenrolled after starting the course. However, if a learner is unenrolled or needs to withdraw form a course after starting it, they have six months to re-enroll at no additional cost and must email thinkkidscertification@partners.org about re-enrollment. Those re-enrolling will be required to complete all course steps. If a learner misses that timeline, they must reapply and pay an additional tuition fee to re-enroll. Note if a learner failed to notify the Certification Team of their original unenrollment/withdrawal, this does not apply.

If a learner fails to notify the Certification Team of their desire to unenroll/withdraw from the course and wishes to re-enroll at a future date, they will be responsible for additional application and tuition fees.

Assignment Grading
The Certification Course will utilize a standard rubric for assessing learner progress on their Plan B Assignments. Learners must receive an average score of 3.5 or higher on their final Plan B Assignment to pass the course. All other coursework is graded on a completed/not completed scale.

Successful Completion of the Course
A learner successfully completes the course once they've attended all sessions, completed all assignments and received an average score of 3.5 or higher on rubric criteria for that learner's last assessment, per the course syllabus. If a learner attends all sessions and completes all assignments but does not receive an average score of 3.5 or higher on the rubric criteria for their final Plan B assignment, they will not successfully pass the course.

If after a two-month extension is given and learners are still not meeting the requirements, they can re-enroll in the course and start from the beginning for free, as long as it is within six months. Those re-enrolling will be required to complete all course steps. If a learner misses that timeline, they must reapply and pay an additional tuition fee to re-enroll.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the CPS Certification Program Team at thinkkidscertification@partners.org.